Thursday, April 26, 2018

I Started A Vlog!

If you are living under a rock or you are reading this without seeing the link when posted on Facebook, you'll have noticed I started a Vlog. Don't worry. That does not mean that I'll stop writing here. I'm going to continue to keep my commitment to write here at least once a month. As mentioned in my first video ( my reason for doing this was inspiration based, to take my creativity to another level, to serve as a video diary of my life, and it's something I've wanted to do for awhile.

I did a raw vlog four years ago on our family vacation in Wisconsin. I videoed everything and uploaded the raw videos to facebook. That was the start. The inspiration that pushed me to put this project into full force was Casey Neistat ( I came across his videos this year and I'm absolutely obsessed. I can't do an everyday vlog like him because I can't film at work and I don't have the will power nor desire to do so. But seriously, go check his stuff out.

I don't plan on trying to make it big with the vlog nor do I plan on doing all the nutty things to get more views. I will also not ask you to subscribe, like, or even ring that stupid bell youtube added. It's a hobby I picked up and am sharing a view into my life with whomever may be interested. The only reason I'm announcing it and sharing it is because it's also for y'all. The people in my life who matter and may want to know what's going on with me.  Here's the link:

Go check it out if you want...or don't. Totally up to you. And here's an awesome song that has also run true with me lately.

End Note: If you want to see me do anything on the Vlog I'm open to suggestions. Just an fyi.

That's all I got.