Monday, March 2, 2015

Cheers and Jeers

During my senior year of high school, I joined the school newspaper because A: I enjoyed reading it, B: I wanted to broaden my writing, and C: I wanted a large group of people to see that writing (no matter how good or awful it was). One section I really liked was the cheers and jeers section. It praised the positive things in the school and booed the negative things. In light of that, here is my version of cheers and jeers for 2015 so far (I'm going to jeers first to go from negative to positive).

1. To subzero temperatures and all their frostbite glory.
2. To this endless bombardment of winter weather
3. To ice, slush, pot holes, shoveling and everything that makes winter bothersome after Christmas
4. To cabin fever which is like the plague
5. To early mornings and their rude awakenings
6. To lack of explanation needed.

1. To Spring officially being 18 days away.
2. To Opening Day being only 39 days away.
3. To gas prices being below $2.50 for most of the winter.
4. To having a job where everything ends at 5pm.
5. To no homework, papers, tests, and all that other stuff that makes your brain hurt.
6. To a close knit group of friends who make one another's lives a lot brighter
7. To the people in my life; God placed y'all there for a reason. All 815+ of you (yes I counted).
8. To the hope which living the Christian life brings.
9. Lastly, to the upcoming great lakes regional conference, for its spiritual uplifting, for bringing together those many friends, brothers, and sisters, for changing lives, and for being about the greatest thing in life...Christ.