Monday, November 2, 2015

Life Wisdom and Hacks

Twenty-five years is a long time to have lived, but still so young. With this new age came a thought and when one of those creeps into my head, words fall onto a page. And when words fall onto a page, they are no longer prisoners of my mind, but on a one-way ticket to the eyes of the world.

In case you didn't know this about me (and I'll bring it up again down the road when my ancient mind ceases to recall what it put forth before), I love lists. I love reading them and making them, unless it's a to-do list. They can where's my lighter? Just  kidding. In my list journey, I came across two spectacular lists on life wisdom. Upon reading these, I couldn't believe how much they resonated in me. Granted there were some I disagreed with or brushed off, but the amount that hit home was staggering. You can read them here: (make sure you zoom in on this one)

Back to the thought that crept into my head. I'm 25. A quarter-of-a-century. In the eyes of a child...old. But in the eyes of those much more experienced in years, brutally young. So in theory I should have a lot of life left, but in reality, life isn't like that. Life has no perspective on age. It can end after decades or even a century, or can be gone in an instant, as portrayed by the amount of mass shootings in this country or the every day bombings and terrorist activity that ends thousands yearly. Truth is, I don't know when this life will end for me, but I figure that I should begin making a list of life tips and wisdom that I've learned in my many, or few depending on your side of the coin, years on this earth. You obviously don't have to agree with all or even any for that matter, but these things have made my life on this earth better and it is my joy to share them with you all.

There are two types of items that will appear on this list:
Life Hacks: Things you can do to make life easier, more comfortable, or fun!
Wisdom: <----This says it all
I'll let you be the judge of which is which.

1) If you cancel Netflix or Huluplus, don't unsubscribe from their emails because they don't send you many and once a year (on average) they'll give you free trials to try to sway you to come back. I see it as a free month of entertainment.

2) Thank those who serve you. A waiter, bus driver, librarian, etc. A thank you goes a long way. Always thank your librarian.

3) Whether you support them not, always respect a man or woman in a military uniform. Always.

4) Donate lightly used or brand new unwanted clothing (unless you are tight on money). There are many people less fortunate and clothes are always needed. Even if it is a designer brand. Imagine the person who get's to feel special for once in their life because you made that choice.

5) Good things come to he who waits, but laziness leads to ruin. Be patient for the finer things in life, but don't slack off and hope they'll plop into your lap. Earn them.

6) A pocket knife has many uses, one of them being a fingernail cleaner.

7) What the USA stands for and the government that runs her are two entirely different things. Never compare the two.

8) Be proud of your freedom, but never ever abuse it.

9) On a clear night, go out and gaze at the stars for awhile. Take in the awe of the vastness of the universe. You'll be glad you did.

10) If a little kid wants to play, give them a few minutes. If they acknowledge you, do so back in an excited manner. Give them attention. It'll effect their lives now and in the future more ways then you know.

11) Do you A) Like texting? B) Like driving? C) Like being a law abiding citizen and/or living? Don't mix A and B ever and you should have no problem with C.

12) If you are someone who constantly checks the time, buy a watch. It's less cumbersome than digging a phone out of your pocket and it adds style.

13) Ever wonder how much you truly care about someone? Write a eulogy for them as if you had to present it at their funeral, but replace the "was" with "is".

14) Take risks. You won't succeed in all, but the ones you do mean so much more than the ones you don't. Life is too short to always play it safe.

15) The imagination is a terrible thing to waste. Unchain it. Let it run free. You never know where it might take you.

16) Extremely ticklish? Hate being tickled? Every time someone tries, try to hold it in and not react. After a long time, you'll be hard to tickle. I haven't been ticklish since the age of ten.

17) Thank you notes and phone calls carry more meaning than a text or FB message.

18) Smiles are free, don't save them.

19) A grudge is a deadly poison. Step aside, cool off, make amends, and let it go. It could destroy a relationship or you.

20) Always look both ways. Whether in a car, on a bike, or on foot. Sometimes check twice.

21) Always expect the worst from other drivers. The best driving is defensive driving. It'll save you $$.

22) Keyboard shortcuts are time and life savers. Build and arsenal of them and use them liberally.

23) Build a fire on a beach at sunset and keep it going until after 12:00am. The experience will do wonders.

24) Spend a little more on things that keep you healthy, happy, and honest. You want them to last.

25) Try God. Take a leap of faith and try Jesus. You may be surprised at what you find.