Saturday, December 14, 2013

O to Travel the World

A Traveler’s Thirst
By Josh Watkins

Dare I dream of a paradise afar?
A place to soothe my weary soul,
A place where the sun never sleeps and crystal waters rare.
Country born and country raised,
but dwell do I in a concrete zoo.
Oh to taste the delicacies of a foreign land!
To excite my shriveled tongue to a high degree!
Danger I fear not,
Courage I possess,
I thrive for adventure.
How I long to soar like an eagle,
The sky at my command,
The wind, slave to my power.
To be free, the world to see,
This burning desire that consumes me.
“Life is short” they say,
to live forever is but a myth,
a dream,
a fantasy.
Why waste it?
I only have one.
A ticket for the world I shall buy,
To a foreign land I shall fly,
Until that day, here I will remain,

Dreaming under a midnight sky.

I Dream of Paradise
By Josh Watkins

My thoughts are cast across this sandy plain
into the mountain air,
Peace and harmony are my state of mind.
Renewed is this long lost love,
This land I once called home.
It wanes in and out
Of my nostalgic mind.
No place but this can breach my inner soul.
The sea bows to my feet,
kissing them with great affection.
Surely I must be dreaming,
For places such as this I never see.
My mind is a prison for earthly paradises,
Where many lands appear.
Places where fiery mountains
Scald the salty sea,
Or where the forest is silenced,
By the carefully crafted crystals,
That blankets it in white.
Where heaven’s lights brighten the Northern sky,
With a vast array of color,
Beheld even by a child’s eye.
Or a place out yonder,
Where the stallions run free,
The eagle rules the bright blue skies,
And the river’s course is crystal clear.
At each of these destinations,
Tranquility abounds,
Serenity gushes forth,
Peace is vast.
I dream of adventure,
I dream of awe,
I dream of paradise. 

Most of you know my passion for travel runs deep. Because of that, it appears in and out of my writings whenever I get that travel itch. The first piece tells of my current state and my desire to travel. I apologize for not having much more to say than that. Some works just speak for themselves I guess.

Now the second piece speaks of my places of desire. Places that I dream about seeing nearly every day. In case you couldn't pick them out, here's the names of the described places.

Fiery Mountains scalding Salty Seas: Hawaii/other Oceanic Island countries. Volcanoes are near these places and they erupt into the oceans.

Silenced Forests by Carefully Crafted Crystals: Any place in the in the Northern US known for its forests during the winter and or German forests during winter like in children's stories. 

Heaven's lights brighten the Norther Sky: This one's easy. The Northern Lights in Alaska. Location #2: Northern Lights in Russia.

A Place Out Yonder: Colorado, North Dakota, Texas, Washington, but most importantly, the Big Sky State itself: Montana

Hang onto those dreams and keep on dreaming friends.

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