The Truth
By Josh Watkins
This is the story of
a Man, who knew no sin,
A Man who contained a
divine life within.
From heaven above He
came to earth,
To show man their
true value and worth.
This pathetic race
had an undesirable fate,
Death’s cold call to
them it bate,
Destined to die, all
hope seemed lost,
Yet He came to settle
the cost.
From His hands came
health and from His lips came life,
Abolished did He
suffering, disease and strife.
They looked upon Him
in either hate or awe,
Sadly, their eyes
were blinded,
For this was all they
His message was clear
and filled with truth,
Which was portrayed
in King David and the servant Ruth.
This people cried out
for a Savior,
But their eyes were
not seeing,
Their minds were
closed and their hearts were not believing.
Yet God said “I send
to you My one and only Son.
Hear Him My Beloved,
the Chosen One.”
Their Messiah was
there, the one whom they wanted,
But from their lips
they praised Him not,
Instead, they only
jeered and taunted.
They denied the truth
and accepted evil and false gods,
Worshipping stones,
gold, and even wooden rods.
He performed many
miracles before their eyes,
While the scribes and
Pharisees plotted His demise.
Then finally dawned
that day of dread,
One of His own
betrayed Him and to the cross He was led.
Tortured and
humiliated like no man had ever been,
Bleeding and dying
there He became sin.
This gruesome scene
was far from a joke,
His heart so full of
love finally broke.
To the grave He went
and from Death the keys He took,
The veil between God
and man was torn like a page from a book.
What Jesus did on the
cross was for the entire world to see,
That the barrier was
destroyed, sin’s debt was paid and we were set free.
One Man died for all,
all He willed to save,
He was the Final Sacrifice
to release the sinner and slave.
Death had its chance,
its one and only shot,
It tried to hold Him,
yet its efforts were for not.
The Savior conquered
Death and rose in glory,
This is only the beginning of the Messiah’s
Today He is among us,
He kept His word,
Will you my friend
take to heart the things you just heard?
Hear his powerful
words and his loving voice,
He is calling you to
make the right choice.
Now this is not a
tactic to force you to believe,
Look deep down
inside, we were made to receive.
I don’t come to
condemn; that is not my place,
I just want to share
Jesus’ mercy and grace.
These final words I
leave with you,
Leave the world
behind and follow Him, who is Faithful and True,
Because His open arms
are waiting for you.
His story is the greatest story the human race has ever known. Even though I've heard it many times, and wrote about it a few, it just isn't enough to describe the cost, the care, and the love that was poured out for all.
I titled this piece "The Truth" for a number of reasons. First, because it is exactly that...the TRUTH. Second, they say the truth will set you free. If you argue with people over what's right and what's wrong, you get nowhere. But if you give them the Truth, give them Jesus, He in time will take care of that burr that pricks at that person's heart.
With that, I only ask this of you. If you know the Truth, cling to it. If you've heard of the Truth, find it. And if you have rejected the Truth, leave the lies and turn back to It. It will be the best thing you ever did.
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