Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Patriotism and the Bucket List

On the Wings of an Eagle
By Josh Watkins

He stands firmly on the cliff,
Overlooking his barren land,
Watching and waiting for the time to be right.
The sun beats down and the winds blow fierce,
But he is unmoved and holds his ground.
A glint of strength can be seen in his eye,
As he spreads his mighty wings,
And begins his long journey.
He soars through the skies looking valiant and free,
All below cower in envy and fear,
Wishing they were not bound to the earth.
People stop and stare in awe,
While he glides, wherever the wind carries him.
He breaks his flow into a near fatal dive,
To grasp a most likely victim.
He pulls out of his fall,
Close to a deadly blow,
But in his grasp is a most unfortunate rat,
Who has come to the end of his road.
The sun begins to fall out of sight,
The moon begins to arise, beaming bright.
Then he flies out gracefully above the sea,
Taking control of the skies,
While striking fear into the hearts of many.
The sea roars at him,
But he does not flinch.
All through the night he flies,
Just to get back home.
He lands in his nest for his final rest,
For this old bird’s time has come,

And all remember him as the symbol of FREEDOM.

Bucket List

Marry the girl of my dreams
Visit New York City
Visit Hawaii
Visit all major U.S. cities
Go surfing
Go wind-surfing
Go skydiving
Drive a corvette
Drive a 1970 Chevelle SS 540
See the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade live
Visit Times square during Christmas
See the Grand Canyon
Ride every major roller coaster in the U.S.
Visit every major theme park in the U.S.
Visit Italy
Go to a Super Bowl
Go to a World Series game
Go to a NASCAR race
Go to a Flyers NHL game
Go to a Phillies game
Go to a 76ers game
See all Philly’s teams in their own stadiums
Go deep-sea fishing
Go scuba diving
Go on a cruise
Go to Disneyland
Go to Disney World
Snowboard in Telluride, CO
See the Northern Lights
Ride in a hot-air balloon
Go white water rafting
Meet Carrie Underwood
Visit Europe
Find Buried Treasure
Earn a bachelor’s degree
Snowboard in Europe
Go to Olympics
Go to the World Cup
Play 18 holes of golf
Go on an African Safari
Visit Uganda
Bowl a 200 point game
Bowl a perfect game
Catch a trophy fish
Catch a trophy Largemouth Bass
Play in a Texas Hold ‘Em tournament
Visit all 50 states
Drive a dune buggy in the Las Vegas desert
Drive on the German Autobans
Spend $200+ on fireworks
Go Hunting

Some of you probably expected to see a piece like the first one eventually. For those of you who don't know, I have an insane amount of patriotism. The national bird is the American bald eagle and naturally, my favorite animal (and no it's not because I'm an Eagles fan). My wallet has an eagle, my Zippo has two eagles, I have a giant carved eagle on my dresser, heck even my Frisbee has an eagle on it. So naturally, I had to write about it. 

My inspiration didn't come from my patriotism, but rather from Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem The Eagle. It's short but his words and imagery is phenomenal. I still have it memorized to this day. And another thing...I penned this during a meeting at Vision Week a number of years ago...shhhh.

And as promised, my bucket list. Now I know to the untrained eye that a handful of them seem impossible, but by putting them down and looking at them in my wallet from time to time, it gives me hope that they can happen. Dreams is what you call them. One should never stop dreaming. Plus there's a theme here. The items listed reveal passions, loves, hobbies, etc. I have a broad range. Examples: Travel, Extreme sports, sports, cars, fishing, treasure, and pyrotechnics. Since it's inception I have crossed off two things (not currently on here). My dream is to see it all scratched off, but for now I'll just enjoy life and take things as they come.

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