The Crazy House
By Josh Watkins
The kid on the top floor
threw a bucket of bombs out the door.
The kid in the middle
is "boogaing" a riddle.
The kid on the right
fell through the floor
with a light.
The kid on the bottom
is slipping on blossoms.
And the kid at the door
wants to hear a whole lot more.
Hand drawn picture of The Crazy House
This was a project I had to do back in home school. Believe it or not, I hated to write back then. This time, however, I had a lot of fun. I felt goofy that day and wrote a poem about a lot of goofy people in one house (I neither admit nor deny that the above characters may represent members of my family). My favorite line is the kid "boogaing" (pronounced BOO-GAH-ING) the riddle. I had an image of kid in my head running all over the house shouting Booga! Booga!where each booga was a word that only he knew and spoken all at once formed a riddle. I also enjoyed drawing the kid who fell through the floor because A) I thought it was funny. B) I didn't have to draw his head. C) No head=no word balloon. I mentioned in previous posts that I had a big imagination as a kid...well use yours to imagine what this house would actually look like if I had the artistic expertise as Michaelangelo...about 100 times more insane than this crudely drawing portrays. So there you have of my first masterpieces.
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