10 Signs of a Bad Driver
1) Fail to use a turn signal
2) Runs red lights (this includes hitting the intersection the moment the light turns red)
3) Is in the far left lane doing any of the following: Not passing cars, holding up a line of cars behind them, or going at or below the speed limit (there are other lanes to do this in and it is illegal in some states)
4) Constantly braking for no reason (no light/stop sign/pedestrian/car in front/etc)
5) Stopping/slowing way down and holding up traffic to shift lanes or exit
6) Merging into a lane as another car is coming up faster then them.
7) Not treating a dead traffic light as a stop sign/ignoring school bus stop signs/ignoring crossing guards.
8) Using hazard lights as a way to temporarily park anywhere they please.
9) Double parking
10) Doing anything else but driving while driving.
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