Wednesday, November 4, 2020

I'm 30

An Ode to My 20s

Twenties, I thank you.

I thank you for reminding me to dream.

I thank you for making some of those dreams come true.

I thank you for the new chapters you brought.

My first car, my first place to live of my own,

My first trip overseas, my first salaried job,

My first concert and my first kiss.

Kidding on that last one.

Thank you for the strangers I now call friends,

And the ones who became practically family.

Thank you for pushing me to breaking points,

So I could rise stronger.

Thank you for keeping my ER-less streak alive 

(Not one visit!)

Thank you for the weddings, the trips, the joys, 

The memories I'll never forget,

And the nights I'll always remember.

Take a bow 20s, you served me well.

Because I'm 30.

Here's to the next decade of this crazy thing we call life!

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