Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Dude Perfect and Boomerangs

Not a normal monthly post because hey, normal sometimes gets boring. If you don't get the title, Dude Perfect is the name of a trick shot group that's one of the most popular channels on youtube. They started out in 2009 just a handful of college kids doing basketball trick shots in their backyard. They kept putting out videos and pretty soon they became a sensation. Now it's what they do for a living. They have major sponsors, a multi-million dollar facility to perform trick shots, their own TV show, merchandise, everything. I have been watching their videos from day one.

Since they've become so popular, they've done way more than just basketball trick shots. They've had Drew Brees and Russell Wilson for football shenanigans, soccer players from Chelsea, Brodie Smith (one of the best frisbee players in the US), pool pros, bowling champs, etc. The video they released this week is with the best boomerang thrower in the US. Logan Broadbent. Logan has also appeared on two seasons of American Ninja Warrior. Just google his name and a lot of interesting things come up. But all this is not my main reason for this post.

You see, the beginning actually takes place way back in 2005, the same year youtube was born. I was in the 8th grade. Our school had the privilege of being entertained by a boomerang expert. The man dazzled us by tossing boomerangs around the room and catching them behind his back, in his teeth, and even did a handstand and caught the boomerang between his feet. The man's name was Gary Broadbent. Yup, that name is familiar because he is Logan' father. Thirteen years ago, I was entertained by the man who fathered the best boomerang thrower in the US, and American Ninja Warrior, and honorary Dude Perfect member. And I know him personally.

Yup. You read that right. I know Logan Broadbent on a personal level? How you ask? For all the things he has accomplished and achieved in life, he also leads a down to earth one as well. I met Logan when he came up to our part of the office to discuss a project he was working on. That's when I found out who he was, that I had seen his father perform those tricks all those years ago, and that he works at GE.

It all comes full circle and still blows my mind. Youtube was born in 2005. I was awed by Gary Broadbent in 2005. I start watching Dude Perfect from their first video, been a fan since the beginning, meet Logan 6 months ago, and he get's invited by Dude Perfect to do a boomerang trick shot video. It's the crazy coincidences in life like this that I love. And in case you missed it, Logan's a pretty fly dude. Checkout the video here.


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