Saturday, August 5, 2017

Australia: Day 3

I woke up to the smell of bacon. Which is amazing as it combines with the vast amount of sleep I've been getting. It's quite wonderful. Nelson (the mate I'm staying with) who is a fly dude and one of the ones who visited the US with the other Australians nearly two years ago, quipped he felt so bad when he saw our clean plates and thought he hadn't cooked enough. "I forgot I'm feeding Americans!" he lamented. We laughed and told him between him and his mom we are well fed.

Our day began at our second college campus visit and gospel preaching trip. The campus we ended up on was USYD. My gosh it is beautiful. There is a magnificent  building that has a nice view of the skyline. I set out with Jenny from Indy. In four hours we talked to a lot of people. One thing I found that's massively different here than in Cleveland when it comes to gospel preaching is that almost everyone I talked to down here so far are very mild atheists.  Meaning they don't believe in anything but won't fight you on their non-belief. They were also willing to talk for the most part and listen to our whole gospel message before rejecting us. Thankfully our day wasn't a total bust as three of the people Jenny and I talked to prayed to receive the Lord and between the rest of our group, two more did as well. With that in mind, if nothing were to go right the rest of this week, five people being saved is worth it.

After our day of spreading the gospel ended, we took a small food tour of Sydney. Our first stop was at a small cafe where we had a piece of watermelon cake. It was a layered cake with actual slices of watermelon in it. Quite good. Next we ended up at an Asian cuisine which managed to fit the 20 or so of us that were there. Our table ordered three different types of dumplings, a beef noodle dish, and pork belly. The dumplings had soup and meat in them, the pork belly was rich and delicious, and the noodles disappeared rather quickly. Our next stop took us to a place that serves a dish similar to Canadian poutine, but in this case it wasn't slathered in gravy. It was a giant meat pie on top of french fries and slathered in cucumber/bbq/and hot sauce and it was amazing!

A few observations. Kenny Chesney has a song titled Be As You Are and in it he sings the line "I wanna go where I can lighten up the load, drive a little while on the wrong side of the road, get this laying low off to a flyin' start." Well I'm definitely in a place where they drive on the wrong side of the road and I have been in these cars as they drive. It feels absolutely weird to be sitting in the front left of the vehicle and not have a steering wheel in front of me as well as my brain going bonkers when turning left onto the left side of the road. Also their public transportation is well done here. They have a card you put money on called an Opal card. For every bus/train/ferry you must push that card against a scanner and then do it again when you get off so it knows how much to charge you. Some train rides I have taken cost less than $0.50 Australian. The trains are triple deckers and have clean, comfortable seats. Also the money here is very colorful. The paper money stops at $5. Their coinage is $0.05, $0.10, $0.20, $0.50, $1, and $2. The $0.50 coin is the biggest and more than double the size of the $2 one. Carrying a $2 coin makes me feel like it's a penny and if I lose one it's the same as losing 200 pennies. That pretty much does it for day 3. I know I'm a day behind so I'll try to catch up as I can, but right now with these full days I'm beat by the time I get back to hospitality. Time to catch some zzzzzzz's. 

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