Wednesday, October 26, 2016

What Lies Ahead

I'm in this weird phase of life, but I don't know how many can relate. What phase is this you ask? Well to put it simply, it's the graduated-college-five-months-ago-chose-not-begin-the-job-search-until-then-end-of-summer-now-wants-a-job-and-it-feels-weird phase. Catch that? Let me decipher that for you. If you haven't read my previous blogs or haven't talked to me since May, It took me seven years to finish undergrad. I was done with school and rather than jump into the work field, I was going to enjoy my summer. And enjoy it I did. But now that the weather has turned, aspirations of future trips, moving out, and a dwindling bank account, waking up each morning without a job feels strange. And I don't like it. I don't like the feeling of needing a job and I don't like the feeling of not having a job.

During the summer, I had money saved to cover it as well as all the time in the world. And by the Lord's mercy, zero college debt. During college, to save money, I lived at my parents house and had no urge to leave. Those of you who have seen the lay-out of my room see the years of myself that I put into it and every time I thought of packing it up, it was a sad feeling. But now that the summer and college are over, now that there are many things I want to do in life before a family comes along, those tides have changed.

There's a trip to Australia coming up in August of next year. As soon as that was announced, I immediately began to plan/save. Yes, part of the reason I want to go is my love of travel, but when the young people from Australia came to visit us last December, it was such a blast and a blessing. So most of the desire to go is to visit them and a church outside of the good ol' USA. But that costs money. Being in my mid 20s and done with school has me contemplating a future spouse and kids. But for those things to happen, I'd like to be out of my parent's house. That also costs money. I could go on, but you get the point.

I suppose you could say that this part of the adult life is finally kicking in. A little late according to many, but the truth of the of the matter is that I have no regrets. I don't regret going to CSU, I don't regret taking a year off, I don't regret enjoying my last free summer, I put my trust in the Lord. I don't know what lies ahead, it's weird how points in life change your outlook, but I know He has my back. Oh and I have a  job interview tomorrow.

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