This time every year kicks off the summer holiday season, the BBQs, the beach-going, and the summer fun. Sometimes amid all this joyous celebration, the true meaning is lost.
Now as many of you know, I am extremely patriotic and as proud to be an American as they come. If I ever were to ever (and that's a big ever) get a tattoo or two, I'd have the Stars and Stripes on my left shoulder and bald eagle on my right. The question asked is, would I then be willing to serve my country. To drop everything and defend this nation from all enemies that attack her. Right now I honestly could not because I feel that that is not my calling. My calling is that of Christ. My family and friends are more important to me than defending the good ole U.S. of A. But if war came to this land and every man had to pick up arms, I would not cower from that duty.
Many great men forged this country through many conflicts, battles, and wars. Through courage, will power, and faith. We know many of these men well. George Washington, Jon Paul Jones, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Teddy Roosevelt, to name a few. None of these great leaders could have done what they did without the willingness of thousands of men fighting for or with them. American soldiers. Brave men and women who answer the call of duty and face hell for the purpose of keeping this nation free. All the pleasures, privileges, and freedoms we as U.S. citizens enjoy is due to the sacrifice of millions. You can dive deep into history and find many instances where a single battle or event could've changed the course of history and the way to we live today. Imagine if George W. Bush didn't take action against terrorism when they attacked American soil. If the eight presidents during the Cold War let communism run wild. If FDR decided to stay neutral and let Hitler and his brainwashed Nazis claim Europe. If Wilson didn't stand up to fascism. If men like Davy Crockett, Daniel Boone, Paul Revere, Jon Paul Jones, all decided fighting wasn't an option. Or if George Washington and the men he commanded decided servitude to the British was easier than sacrificing everything for the price of freedom.
Even with all these great heroes, we must still remember that anyone who has answered the call, fought for this country, bleeds Red, White, and Blue, or has died for this country is a true American hero. Gone but never forgotten. Happy Memorial Day!
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