Friday, September 6, 2013

The Stages of People You Meet in Life: Part II

Stage 3 consists of the people whom you go to elementary, middle, and high school with. You see them five days a week for 180 days each year. This is where some lifelong friends or enemies are made. This is where you get a taste of what it's like to be with other people, where you try to figure out who you are, where the goal is to be liked and make a core group of friends. You study together, you eat together, you feel the thrill of victory or agony of defeat together. There are also all of your classmates throughout the different classes that you know, but may not befriend. These people still play a crucial part in shaping your character. They may have to work with you on a project and you learn how to work together. They may be someone you talk about, or try to impress, or mooch off of, or even a link in the chain to your future goals. The sad reality about this group is that the majority of them you will lose touch with after high school, and may never hear from or see again (unless you and they are inclined to go to a high school reunion). But not all is lost as some amazing friendships are formed here.

Stage 4 consists of those you meet in college. The reason this is a separate group is because your college connections tend to last for a long time, especially those in your field of study because they have similar likes and dislikes that you do. Also by this stage most are adults and most of the high school drama and nonsense is an afterthought. Here is where the real world connections begin. The ones you befriend here may lead to golden opportunities once this stage has concluded. Some people in this stage may also save your rear end (even more than once) when you turned a deaf ear to that thing we all have known as a conscience. As well as the good, there will be people in this stage who you want to or should avoid but it may not be all bad because as the saying goes "you learn from your mistakes." College is a huge step in one's life and the people here shouldn't be taken for granted.

Stage 5, and y'all knew this one was coming, are co-workers and bosses. Love em, hate em, it's up to you because as long are employed in that building, you are stuck with them and they with you. These people will drive you insane, will get you in trouble, will be your worst nightmare, or will make your work day go by quicker, will make your day when least expected, will possibly help you climb up the economic ladder, and even be part of your inner circle (see stage 6b). This is your ultimate test on how to work/deal with all kinds of people.

Stage 6a is a two part stage because everyone may or may not fall into parts (a) and (b). In this half-stage, the people belong to your church or religious group (if you have one). These are people who are like family. Even after school lets out, you still see these ones at least once a week, and for some of us multiple times a week. Love in this stage is abundant and strong bonds are formed here to the point that we call each other brother and sister. These ones understand your pain and suffering and will be there for you when you need them to be. There is also an eternal value here. This group shares in a uniting, saving, bond know as Jesus Christ. Without Him, this group wouldn't even exist...yet it is the most crucial.

Stage 6b is your inner circle. The collection of people you've meet throughout your life from your existence to your extinction. They came from each and every stage and accepted you for you. They know a lot about you, what you like and dislike, what makes you tick, and are the closest people to you. They may not all know each other, but you know them all and cherish them the most. But none of them would be in this stage if not for you and they going through the other 5 stages first. Granted, this inner circle may change, but those who remain have stood the true test of time and would ultimately do anything for you as you would for them.

People matter and if you go through life, hating, ignoring, and avoiding, your progression may end up being a flat line that eventually depreciates. Life is a beautiful thing and no one can make it through alone. Don't miss out on key opportunities and for the people you may never see again, don't forget, but always remember.

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