Yes you read that last sentence right. Numero Dos. You may be thinking why would I praise Fall so much and not place it as my favorite. The Fall has one downside that Summer (my favorite) doesn' Now hear me out. I don't mind learning, I don't mind seeing my friends, I don't mind being downtown, and I don't mind the little bit of adventure that comes with college. I do mind, the work, the homework, the tests, the papers, the stress, the money I earned disappear faster than you can say abra cadabra, and the free time i don't posses. To be honest, I kind of wish I could do the labor every year for the rest of my life.
"Wait. Isn't it like school?" you ask. Yes and no. The difference is that I got to do it with a lot of people I cared about and saw them nearly every single day. I wasn't going to fail if i did bad on assignments or missed key points. Plus if someone wanted to do something, I could almost 99% of the time say yes because I didn't have class to go to, work to go to, a test to study for, etc. Part of the labor was to be with people. I also got to travel. I went to West Virginia, Toronto, Pittsburgh, Columbus, North Carolina, Hanover PA, and more.
I guess I'm in a collision of emotions right now a.k.a. internship withdraw and enjoying this wonderful season. So in light of all this, here is a poem I wrote about Autumn five years ago. It may be a little cheesy but I don't mind.
The Beauty of Autumn
Sitting on the beach,
Staring off into the sunset filled sky,
Watching the last bit of summer,
Hop, skip, and dance on by.
My head floods with emotions,
How the summer has made me see,
A new perspective on life and friendship,
And how the summer has changed me.
Now the sun has set and Autumn has begun,
Bringing in football, Thanksgiving, and the school year.
The North wind releases a mighty roar,
My eyes give way and shed a tear.
The trees shake off their summer coats,
And flash their Autumn colors with pride,
They wave hello as the wind embraces them,
While the leaves challenge the wind for a wild ride.
Birds whistle good-bye,
Furry critters store food and refurbish their homes,
The leaves crunch beneath my feet,
On the city streets I now wander and roam.
Hoodies, sweat pants, and knit hats are back in style,
Guys are looking sharp and the ladies are a sight to behold,
Behind the hoods, scarfs, and cunning smiles,
Lie hearts of love and gold.
As night falls, the savory, hot chocolate soothes my throat,
I am kept warm wrapped up in a quilt by a fireplace,
I lay there dreaming, wishing, and hoping
As the heat kisses my face.
Football season has begun,
Thanksgiving is on its way,
So much delicious food to eat,
So many bone-crushing games to play.
Thanksgiving is a memorable occasion in my life,
Family, food, and football all hold their own,
Football is a blast, family is loving,
And the food is picked clean to the very last bone.
The Macy's parade brings joy to my eyes,
To see the floats, bands, and balloons glide across the screen,
Warming peoples' hearts and surprising their faces,
On every single child and teen.
All good things eventually must come to an end,
I am so sad to see it go.
The trees will shed their Autumn attire,
As mother nature sends the chilled air and the snow.
Next time you feel the leaves beneath your feet,
Or the wind kiss your face,
Just stop and look around,
At Autumn's beauty and grace.
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