So let me just start by saying how awesome Jesus is. For those of you who don't know or have been wondering where I am, I have taken the year off of school to participate in a Christian internship. This internship includes studying the Bible, doing projects, shepherding people, loving Jesus, and preaching the Gospel. This blog will be updated once or twice a week time willing.
Let me just start by saying that preaching the Gospel is easier than most people realize. Once you get someone talking, you'll find how easy it is to share the Truth. My first adventures in preaching the Gospel weren't as eventful as today's experience.
Today, Timothy Miller, Jeremiah Johnson, and I went to our usual place which was Detroit Rd. in Lakewood, OH. Now Lakewood is an interesting/colorful place. Just walking down any major road you can run into some characters. The three of us decided to split up. I headed east towards Rocky River, hoping to run into some luck. As I walked, every person I stopped had an excuse. "I have a doctor's appointment." "I have to take my dog home." "I have to go into the store." It seemed as if no one was willing to hear the good news. I decided to turn around and head back towards our starting point. As I came upon the Lakewood Library, I noticed a man coming at me. He was of stout nature, had scraggly white hair and was wearing a purple cap that had a peace button pinned to it. I thought I'd have a casual conversation with this guy, but boy was I in for a surprise.
I stopped the man and asked him if he had time to answer a few questions. He did and I asked him if he had any spiritual beliefs and if he believed in Jesus. The man said yes to both, but before I could ask a third question, he personality sprang upon me like a tiger in the grass. He started asking me questions in a condemning, booming, voice. He was literally two feet in front of me and shouting as if he was across the street. He asked me questions like "Do you believe in Buddha, Gandhi, MLK?" He also asked me to remove my cap and shades so he could "see who he was talking to." He then stated he believes in Jesus, but not what he did. He quoted Matthew 7:1-2 which is about not judging others. I then asked him how many sins Jesus died for and he totally answered my question with a question by asking me what was the one bad thing Jesus did. I couldn't answer because of course Jesus never sinned. The man then called Jesus a thief for "stealing" the donkey (Mark 11:1-11). Unfortunately, being a Bible noob, I did not know which gospel that story was referenced so I could prove him wrong because the Bible says the men let the servants have the donkey after they told them who it was for. I then asked him about heaven and hell and he asked me why would a loving God send people to hell. Thanks to Ian Brinksman's message on this subject, I was able to answer his question which he refuted with "the devil doesn't exist and neither does heaven and hell." He also continued his spiel with that those who taught me are brainwashing me and turning me into a robot. Before I could ask him one more question, he realized he was late for something, shook my hand with his left because he had a massive bruise on his right shoulder (he unbuttoned his shirt to show me even though I told him he didn't need to do that) and then said we'd have to talk again sometime...O Lord Jesus.
We'll that was more interesting than it was depressing. Plus the sun was shining for the first time in a week and a half and it was a beautiful day. I think the next person I was about to meet was the Lord sending me some encouragement. This guy was walking at a slightly faster than normal speed and I was about to let him walk by when I felt I should stop him because I had passed by too many people without saying a word already. I began my intro speech and right after the first question, I found out the guy was not only saved, but is a pastor at a denomination down the street. He asked me what church I went to and when I told him, he asked again because when most people hear "The Church in Cleveland" they think I mean "A" church in Cleveland. I told him the reason for that name is that we are a church in the city of Cleveland for ALL believers. He really appreciated that and luckily I had an invitation on me. He told me he may have to send some people over to visit!
Now for the most exciting conversation of the day. Jer, Tim, and I met up with Jesse, Rosie, Sarah Dugger, and Sarah Watkins and we went to Lakewood Park. As soon as we got there, Tim and I decided to hit up the skate park and believe me, that is a challenging place to preach the Gospel. Most of the ones who hang out there are stoners, drop-outs, delinquents, and basically ungodly people. I once saw a 15-16 year old girl with a lit cigarette in her mouth. Anyways, Tim and I had made a contact there before and I was feeling good. So we marched on over there and talked to the first person we saw. The dude was about 17 and was a high-school drop out who basically spends his life working and skateboarding. We started asking him questions and the key question that struck with him was where will you go when you die. He thought he was going to heaven just because he didn't kill anyone. But once he read the Scripture, his response went along the lines of "Dang, I'm going to hell!" We talked to the dude more and at the end of our conversation, he prayed to ask Jesus into his heart. Hallelujah! As Tim and I left the park, we heard the guy say "I'm going to heaven bros!"
Final thought: Preaching the Gospel is no small matter. Not everyone has heard the Truth. These people are going to hell. No ifs, ands, or buts. We should not be selfish and conceal this marvelous Life withing us. Think about eternity and the judgement gates. You may be entering through, but your friend who you had known all your life but never told him/her about Jesus is right there, asking you why you didn't tell them about Jesus. Jesus payed the highest price for us; we should be willing to return the favor because God desires all men to be saved. JEEEEESSSSSSUUUUUUSSS!
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