It's very close to the end of November and I haven't written here in over a month. Why is that detail important? Well I made a small commitment to myself. After I got into a habit where I wasn't writing here often and this blog was going to become obsolete. I didn't want that to happen. So my commitment was that I would write here once a month. The reason for this is twofold. The first being that whenever I need an outlet for my emotions, thoughts, etc I can place all that here. More than I would with strangers or friends, but still not every aspect of my thinking because I don't want to be too exposing of myself nor do I want to say something that will cause someone to hate me. The second is that even though I know not many people read this or even have the time to, but some do. I keep writing for you. Because it's a two way street. I have a bookmark folder titled "blogs" and, outside of Humans of New York, all the blogs in there are those of my friends. I like to know what's going on in their lives and the things that make them...them. Which is another reason I use Facebook so much. It's because I'm interested in my friend's lives and even though I may not interact with them much, even on Facebook, I'm still thinking about them and wondering how they are and whether or not they got that job, or have that special someone, or got married, or have a kid on the way or have kids, or are seeing the world, etc etc etc. And if any of you who I have not talked to in a long time or knew me from years ago but have forgotten and some how are reading this, I haven't forgotten you. And if you wonder what I mean by that, let me give you an example.
In September 2014 I bought a car. In October I got a phone number for a childhood friend I hadn't seen or heard from in 11 years and I called him. In December I drove 10 hours to Boston, MA on a cold, drizzly Tuesday to spend less than 24 hours with him and then drove back 36 hours later on a rainy Thursday. Here's someone I knew as a kid and hadn't seen or heard from him since the age of 12. But I never forgot him and when the chance arose to see him again, I took it. Twenty hours of driving, $150 in gas, the cold dreary days, the possibility he had forgotten about me...none of that mattered. What mattered is being able to see him again.
Those nights I spend getting food, watching sports, roaming the town, bowling, watching a new movie, playing cards, celebrating someone's next phase in life, playing frisbee or basketball or any other sport, I could go on and on. I take none of these for granted. I cherish these moments in life the most. When Grace was here in Cleveland, she put on all these different events. Whether in was a Fall Fun Day, a white elephant party, a friendsgiving, a going away event for Madeline, or even simply just go over to their house just to hang out, those were the best. If you ask Grace, some of them she may tell you didn't go completely as planned or that she could've done something better, but I wouldn't see it that way. I saw it as wonderful times spent with the friends I care so deeply about no matter how much we sometimes get on each others nerves or may disagree with the many things that make up the human life experience , or whatever. Why? Because this life is short and we only have so much time with those we love and care about and those times and all the other above mentioned events brought us together. To share a laugh. To enjoy life's pleasures. To be with each other. That's also why going to NYC meant so much to me. I got to experience things I always wanted to, but I also got to do it together with not just one, not just two close friends, but many. And I met some more who I will also never forget.
Now if you skimmed up to this point, I'm ending on a note that will catch your attention. People may rib me for this, but screw it. I'm saying it anyways. Y'all know how much I love weddings so this is my official announcement saying that I'm getting MARRIED!... no. Made your heart jump didn't I? Can't do that without finding a girlfriend first. Actually what I really wanted to say was that I want a big wedding. There I said it. I can hear it now. "You're a guy. Since when do you think about your wedding? Especially since you are single. Only women do that. Please turn in your mancard." You get the point. The reason for this is because by the time I get married, after all the family and close friends have been invited, I'll have to invite all those whose weddings I had the honor of attending which means I'll need a big wedding! Joking and temporarily inflated ego aside, there are so many people that mean so much to me that I want as many as possible to share in this future happy day.
Now that I've pour out my thoughts for this month, I'll ask you this. If there's something you want me to discuss here or something you want to know about me and would like me to answer it here, let me know. I think it'd be fun to do a piece based off of those questions. Until next time.Thougt